Fog Fever
Fog Fever

Fog Fever is one of the most common respiratory diseases of grazing adult beef cows. This is a sudden onset, respiratory distress syndrome with minimal coughing which occurs typically in hungry fat, beef-type cows, in the autumn, within two weeks of their...

Enterotoxaemia  (Pulpy Kidney)
Enterotoxaemia (Pulpy Kidney)

Enterotoxaemia is a severe disease affecting sheep, it less frequently affects goats and is rarely seen in cattle. ...

Cobalt Deficiency
Cobalt Deficiency

Cobalt deficiency in sheep, disease of young stock occurring mostly in spring and early summer....


Botulism; Occurs when potent toxins are produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Early signs are uncoordination, loss of appetite, excessive salivation, mild excitability and nervous twitching and jaw champing....

Blackleg Disease
Blackleg Disease

Blackleg is an acute fatal disease of young cattle characterised by the development of swelling in the upper muscle masses of one or more limbs. The animals affected are frequently those in good condition and on a high plane of nutrition....


Anthrax is prevented by avoiding contact with animals that are suspected to have anthrax and areas that may contain bodies of animals that died from anthrax....

Annual Ryegrass Toxicity
Annual Ryegrass Toxicity

Annual ryegrass toxicity affects sheep and sometimes cattle and horses. Symptoms appear two days after entering the toxic zone or as late as 12 weeks, leading to death rates as high as 90 percent for sheep and 45 percent for cattle....

Acute Bracken Poisoning
Acute Bracken Poisoning

Except in calves under six months of age, in which the disease is unusual, acute bracken poisoning occurs in all ages of cattle, although the peak incidence is in young cattle aged between 1 and 3 years. ...

Actinobacillosis (Wooden Tongue)
Actinobacillosis (Wooden Tongue)

It often appears to be of sudden onset, the affected animal has difficulty in swallowing and may be anorexic, excessive salivation is often seen....

Как правильно обрезать копыта у коров?
Как правильно обрезать копыта у коров?

Какие бывают последствия игнорирования обрезки. Какие правила обрезки копыт. В каком порядке проводится обрезка....

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