Barnevelder Chicken Breed
Barnevelders are famed lor their excellent qualities as layers and notably for the color of their eggs, which are dark brown. The Barnevelder is a very solid, reliable and dependable breed. The males are usually good natured, but as in all breeds exceptio...

Australorp Chickens
Australorps are found in black, white and laced blue. This is a very practical breed, the birds make good broodies and mothers, and are very decent layers, producing around 200 - 300 eggs a year. ...

Campine Chickens
The Campine is normally found in the Silver or Gold colours, with a solid coloured background covered with black barring. They will produce more eggs on the minimum amount of food and if given their freedom are practically self sustaining....

Sebright Chickens
Sebright is a genuine bantam and one of the oldest British varieties. Sebright is not easy to keep. Sebrights are neither outstanding meat birds nor prolific egg layers, hens lay tiny 60 – 80 creamy white eggs per year....

Brahma Chickens
The Brahma chicken breed is a huge and impressive bird, with males weighing about 4.5-5.5 kg.It is often referred to as the gentle giant of the poultry world, and its placid good natüre and easy-going ways win many a convert to the World of poultry keepin...

Araucana Chickens
The Araucana originates in Chile and takes its name from the Arauca Indians. Araucanas lack a tail and have a tuft of ear feathers. Hens lay pale blue eggs with a greenish tint. They are prolific layers and are usually in lay by 20 - 24 weeks of age....

Hamburg Tavuğu
Hamburg tavuğu çok ilgi çekici bir görünüme sahip olan, sürekli dolaşmayı, toprağı eşelemeyi ve keşfetmeyi seven, uçmaktan hoşlanan bir tavuk ırkıdır. ...

Australorp Tavuğu
Australorp tavuğu bütün dünyada yaygın olarak beslenen bir türdür. Hem et hem de yumurta veriminin yüksek olmasıyla bilinir. ...

Sultan Tavuğu (Serai-Tavuk)
Sultan Tavuğu Türkiye kökenli tepeli bir tavuk ırkıdır. Osmanlı imparatorluğunun bahçelerinde bakılıp süs tavuğu olarak sergilenmişlerdir. Günümüzde dünyada nadir olarak bulunan, tüylü bir süs tavuğudur. ...

Brakel Tavuğu
Brakel tavuğu, 1400'li yıllardan beri Belçika'da varlığını sürdüren en güzel ırklardan birisidir. Brakel tavukları sosyal, çevresindeki hareketlere oldukça duyarlı ve fazla yumurta verdikleri için tercih edilebilecek en iyi tavuk ırklarından birisidir....
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