Argentine Criollo Cattle
The Argentine Criollo is a dual-purpose breed and one of the Criollo type cattle found in the Americas. The term "Criollo" has been used since early colonial times in Latin America in reference to both people and animals born in the newly-discovered land from imported parents.
The word is thought to be French origin, from the equivalent "créole". In Portuguese, the term is "crioulo".
Very distinct ecotypes were created specifically adapted to harsh environments. For this development to take place, early isolation, as well as sufficient time was required for the initial variability to change frequencies and shape the gene pool into something very different from that of the original importations. In this context, the Longhorns of the North American western plains are true Criollos.
Temperate zone Criollos have a lower claim for preservation or survival since more productive types, easily obtained from developed countries, also in the temperate zone, can, and do, manage to live very well and produce effectively in Latin American regions further north or south of the tropical band, or within tropical latitudes in areas where altitude makes for a temperate climate; all this is true provided feed resources are created by man to meet their higher needs.
What Is The History Of Argentine Criollo Cattle?
What Are The Characteristics Of Argentine Criollo Cattle?
- Argentine Criollo Cattle are strongly built.
- They come in many colours such as red, to brown, to black, or even speckled like their Longhorn relatives and have a particularly long tail switch, with cows in the habit of resting their coiled tails on their own loins.
- They are a horned breed, usually medium-sized with an outward curve.
- Mothers are easy calves, due to their high tail head and the breed, in general, are medium-sized.
- They have become very desirable for breeding with European breeds, producing excellent offspring.
- A very fertile breed, cows are also known to be great mothers.
- They are used in meat production due to the excellent flavour of the meat, while it is also very tender and of the highest quality.
What is the weight of Argentine Criollo Cattle?

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