Aaron Le Couteur Flock
The Manx Loaghtan is a breed of sheep native to the Isle of Man characterized by dark brown wool and typically having four horns. Some individuals may even have six horns. Although not native to the British Isles, the Manx Loaghtan is descended from the primitive sheep once found throughout Scotland, the Hebrides and Shetland Islands.
The name Loaghtan is from the Manx words lugh dhoan meaning mouse-brown.
Manx Loaghtan, one of the rarest breeds of British Isles was down to less than 100 in 1950, today there are several thousand. Since 1973 the Rare Breeds Survival Trust and people have come again to appreciate the wool and meat which is naturally low in fat and cholesterol.
The loaghtans are very tough and are happy to live out on the cliff tops all year.
In 2009 The National Trust for Jersey brought 20 breeding Manx Loaghtan ewes and two rams to the island in an attempt to re-establish the animal on the island. In 2020 there are now almost 400 Manx Loaghtan sheep grazing on the island's north coast to maintain the landscape.
In 2009 the Trust reintroduced 20 primitive Manx Loagthan sheep into an area of 180 vergées between Sorel Point and Devil’s Hole. It was hoped that the livestock would help to open up the scrub, control competitive species and prevent further encroachment, whilst in the longer term there would be improvements in heathland habitat and biodiversity.
Aaron Le Couteur of The Reserve agreed to take care of the sheep and over the last 10 years he has successfully built up the flock to over 400, whilst still providing both lamb and wool to the local market.
They take the ewes out of the area to lamb in early spring bringing bigger numbers back to work on their grazing later in the year.
Aaron Le Couteur - 07797789202
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- +44 7797789202
- St Ouen - JE
- Manx Loaghtan
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