Pedigree Icelandic sheep breeder.
I create a variety of felted items using wool from my fibre flock of sheep, and also sell their raw fleeces to hand spinners, felt workers, craft makers etc.
Our gorgeous fibre sheep are the main focus of the farm, where we breed Gotland, Shetland, Icelandic, Teeswater, and various cross bred sheep for their fibre.
Having built up a strong demand for our raw fleeces, and processed fibre we now regularly send our products all over the world.
You can find us at various wool, and craft fairs throughout the year, or you can visit our online shop.
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Breeder Info

- +44 7528 540634
- [email protected]
- http://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/Ewespinningmeayarn
- - GB
- Icelandic
Forage cropsMore
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