Orchard View Lincoln Longwools
Since 2002, our family has been developing our flock of natural colored Lincoln Longwool sheep. We love our breeds size, luster and color of wool, and personalities. Our small family flock is usually around 30 ewes, depending on the time of year.
Our flock is entirely purebred natural Lincolns, except for a few that are offspring from our original Lincoln/Hampshire cross. Located on approximately 50 acres of land in Bergen, NY, we chose the name Orchard View due to a small orchard of very old apple trees on our farm.
Long-wool sheep appear to have ancestry from white-fleeced sheep imported to England from the European continent during the Roman occupation. They were first brought to the United States in 1825, where they contributed to the development of several commercially-important American breeds including the Columbia and Targhee.
The Lincoln Longwool is a hardy breed suited to dry and cold conditions. Anecdotal evidence suggests the breed has a level of resistance to footrot. Although a large breed they are extremely docile which makes handling less of a challenge. Lambing percentage is usually around 150%.
The Lincoln is one of the world’s largest breeds of sheep. Its fleece is the heaviest, longest-stapled and most lustrous of any breed in the world. The fleece is either white or colored. The colored fleece tends to be shaded in color with the darkest wool on the shoulders and legs and silver gray to black on the body.

(Made of wool completely from our flock)
Our personal preference, is dark colored wool, so we have been breeding our flock for dark colored wool.
Our flock is mostly a family hobby and we spend our summer showing our sheep at several shows including: Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival, the Genesee County Fair, The Big E, and the NYS Sheep and Wool Festival.
Awards we have received in recent years;
- Premier Exhibitor, Black Lincolns- Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival 2012
- Best fleece Lincoln and Reserve Grand Champion Lincoln Ewe- Big E 2012
Both Natural Colored and white Lincoln Longwools will be available. If interested, please contact us with your preferences (color, gender, etc.) to be put on our list. Lambs will be ready to go to their new homes in May.
EMMALINE LONG - [email protected] - +1 585 813 7228
Breeder Info

- +1 585 813 7228
- [email protected]
- http://www.orchardviewlincolns.com
- Bergen, New York - US
- Lincoln
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