The Marambo And Hawkscombe Flocks
The Marambo and Hawkscombe Flocks
MV Accredited
We have kept sheep in Devon, near Exeter for approximately twenty-five years now and one of the most exciting additions to the farm was our introduction of Valais Blacknose.
Within the flock we are very proud to have an original Swiss import. The stock ram is the very well-known and respected Noblesse Frescobaldi.
The flock consists of only Group 1 and 2 scrapie genotyped animals.
We are Maedi Visna Accredited (a scheme that certifies our flock is clear of this disease, all animals leave the farm with a certificate) and all our animals are part of a very strict flock health plan to ensure they are fully vaccinated and all preventative health care up to date to ensure they are in the best possible health.
We like the lambs to also grow up in a natural setting and on the hills of beautiful Devon, they couldn’t be more at home.
The Marambo flock runs alongside our Hawkscombe flock of pedigree Blue Texels.
In both the Marambo and Hawkscombe flocks, our animals are raised like members of the family from day 1. They are used to our children spending time with them and interact very gently.
Our Valais lambs are often bottle supplemented to ensure they are extra friendly without taking away from the benefits of their mum’s milk too.
Our stock ram has had a very successful show career:
Chris & Natasha HAWKINS
- Reserve Champion at National Breed Show and Sale, Sedgemoor 2019
- Won VBS ram lamb class Nantwich 2018
- Won ram lamb class Cheshire show 2019
- Sire Ducatti won VBS Championship Nantwich 2018
We are immensely proud of our flock and happy to give advice if ever needed so please do not hesitate to contact us. All new owners receive a ‘Welcome Pack’ from the farm which gives specific information and photos from birth of your new additions.
We often have lambs available, but they quickly find new homes so please do register your interest early.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Breeder Info

- +447816570143
- [email protected]
- Exeter, DEVON - GB
- Valais Blacknose
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