Golden Guernsey Goat
Golden Guernsey Goat

The Golden Guernsey is an endangered breed: it was listed by the FAO as "endangered-maintained" in 2007. The goat is efficient milking livestock for its relatively small size, producing an average yield of 3.16 kilograms of milk per day....

Kiko Goat
Kiko Goat

The Kiko goat was developed in New Zealand for meat production under harsh conditions. ...

Irish Goat
Irish Goat

The Irish goat is a very old breed of domestic goat from Ireland. It is a dual-purpose breed, used both for meat and for milk. ...

Kalahari Red Goat
Kalahari Red Goat

The Kalahari Red is a meat-type goat breed that originated in South Africa. ...

Asturian Mountain Cattle
Asturian Mountain Cattle

Asturian Mountain Cattle, also known as Asturiana de la Montaña, Casina or Asturiana Oriental, is a local Spanish breed, which possess breeding capacity and docility. They are beef cattle and one of three breeds used to produce Casín cheese....

American Lamancha Goat
American Lamancha Goat

The American Lamancha is dairy goat breed. They are among the old dairy goat breeds, and very popular for milk production in the USA....

Brahman Cattle
Brahman Cattle

The Brahman is an American breed of beef cattle. The Brahman breed originated from Bos indicus cattle from India....

Belted Galloway Cattle
Belted Galloway Cattle

The Belted Galloway is a traditional Scottish breed of beef cattle. ...

Béarnais Cattle
Béarnais Cattle

The Béarnaise (The Béarnais) is a French breed of domestic beef cattle. It originates in the area of the traditional province of Béarn, in the east of the département of Pyrénées-Atlantiques, in the northern Pyrénées in south-west France. ...

Baltata Romaneasca Cattle
Baltata Romaneasca Cattle

The Baltata Romaneasca is a dual-purpose cattle breed which was developed in Romania. ...

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