Finn Cattle
The Finn cattle (or Finnish cattle) refers to three closely related cattle breeds of Finnish origin. They are most often used as a dairy animal for milk production. ...

Estonian Red Cattle
Estonian Red cattle (Estonian: Eesti punane veis) are a dairy cattle breed from Estonia. The color is red, but sometimes it varies from red-white to brown and rarely black....

Highland Cattle
Highland cows can breed well into their 18th year of life, having bore 15 calves, making their longevity somewhat remarkable. At around 15,000 in the UK today, Highland cattle were thought to have been brought back to the UK by Neolithic farmers....

Limousin Cattle
Originating between the 16,000 to 13,000 years ago, Limousin cattle may well have been around since the beginning of the European continent itself. Resembling the Limousin cattle, 20,000-year-old cave drawings of cattle were found in Montignac, France....

Canchim Cattle
Canchim cattle were origionally bred to improve Brazilian beef cattle breeding. Initially, Zebu cattle (an Indu-Brazilian cattle breed) were introduced to Brazil to improve the beef and were crossbred with native cattle. ...

Blonde d'Aquitaine Cattle
Blonde d'Aquitaine originates from the the Aquitaine district in south west of France embracing the area of the Garonne valley and the Pyrenees. ...

English Longhorn Cattle
English Longhorn cattle (also formerly known as Lancashire cattle) are a long-horned brown and white breed of beef cattle originating from Craven, in the north of England. ...

Beefmaster Cattle
Beefmaster cattle are the first American composite breed (combination of three or more breeds). These cattle have been developed by the Lasater Ranch then headquartered in Texas....

Deoni Cattle
Deoni cattle is an important dual purpose breed in India. They are raised as a draft animal and also kept for dairy. ...

Belgian Blue Cattle
Belgian Blue cattle, which are also known as Race de la Moyenne et Haute Belgique, Belgian Blue-White, Belgian White and Blue Pied, Belgian White Blue, Blue, Blue Belgian originated in central and upper Belgium....
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