Hissar Sheep
Hissar Sheep

Hissar sheep are well adapted to local environmental conditions and are easily able to cover the long distances (400-500 km) from winter quarters to high-altitude summer ranges....

Hebridean Sheep
Hebridean Sheep

Hebridean ewes have been selected by natural systems for hardiness in all weathers, ease of lambing, milkiness and good mothering instincts....

Hampshire Sheep
Hampshire Sheep

Hampshire Sheep do not need a season for breeding, though they generally do so in December or January; a healthy ewe having no difficulty in lambing and twins are common....

Gökçeada Sheep
Gökçeada Sheep

Gökçeada sheep are bred pure. However, a crossbreeding experiment involving this breed and the East Friesian (Sönmez and Alpbaz. 1975)....

Gute Sheep
Gute Sheep

The Gute (Gutefår) is a landrace-based breed of domestic sheep native to the Swedish island of Gotland. Gute sheep is the most primitive breed in the collection of breeds that make up the Swedish Landrace breed group....

Gulf Coast Sheep
Gulf Coast Sheep

Gulf Coast sheep produce wool at almost half the rate of other merinos and therefore need to be sheared only once a year....

Guirra Sheep
Guirra Sheep

Guirra breed was once widely used for milk production purposes. This isdue to the high quality of the milk, which is excellent for producing high-quality artisan cheeses....

Greyface Dartmoor Sheep
Greyface Dartmoor Sheep

Greyface Dartmoor is a rare breed of domesticated sheep that originated around Dartmoor in southwest England. Greyface Dartmoor is also known as Dartmoor or "Enhanced" Dartmoor. ...

Grey Troender Sheep
Grey Troender Sheep

The Grey Troender lambs are usually slaughtered at the age of 6 months and the live weight is then 30-40 kg....

Gotland Sheep
Gotland Sheep

The Gotland, also called the Gotland Pelt (Swedish: Pälsfår), is a breed of domestic sheep named for the Swedish island of Gotland....

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