Ile De France Sheep
The Île-de-France is a breed of sheep native to the French region of Île-de-France near Paris. Both rams and ewes are naturally polled....

Zwartbles Sheep
Zwartbles Ewes are excellent mothers, docile, milky, and easy to lamb and able to raise triplets....

Wiltshire Horn Sheep
The Wiltshire Horn is one of the foundation breeds for Katahdin, Wiltipoll, and Easycare breeds and the Hampshire breed along with Southdown sheep....

White Karaman Sheep
The White Karaman is an indigenous breed of Turkey. The Turkish name for the breed is Akkaraman. Like the other fat-tailed sheep breeds in the country, it is very hardy and strives well under poor feeding and extreme climatic conditions....

Wensleydale Sheep
The Wensleydale has a blue head, ears and legs that are virtually indiscernible beneath its high quality, white fleece....

Welsh Mountain Sheep
Welsh Mountain sheep are small,hardy sheep from the higher parts of the Welsh mountains.The breed was developed in the Welsh hills in the 13th century, being particularly prevalent in the hills of Glamorgan,Monmouthshire, Carmarthenshire and South Powys....

Welsh Hill Speckled Face Sheep
Welsh Hill Speckled Face ewes weigh between 60 – 70kg with the Welsh Hill Speckled Face rams tipping the scales at 80 – 100kg....

Vlachian Sheep
Vlachian Sheep adapted to low- input sustainable farming systems, still an integral part of most economy and ecology of this region, sustaining their natural landscape....

Van Rooy Sheep
Van Rooy rams are widely used to produce crossbred lambs, which put fat on the carcass at a much earlier stage than when crossbreeding two non-fat-tailed breeds....

Valais Blacknose Sheep
The Valais Blacknose is a dual-purpose breed, reared for both meat and wool. Valais Blacknose ewes in Switzerland are usually not bred until at least 18 months of age...

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