Appenzell Goat
What Is The History Of Appenzell Goat Breed?
The Appenzell goat is a rare and endangered indigenous breed of long-haired white domestic goat from Switzerland. It originates in the "half-cantons" of the historic Appenzell region, Appenzell Ausserrhoden and Appenzell Innerrhoden, and has spread into the neighbouring Canton of St. Gallen. The Appenzell goat is also known by some other names such as French: Chèvre d’Appenzell, German: Appenzellerziege. The earliest information about the Appenzell goat were found more than 100 years ago.
A goat-breeder’s association was formed in Innerrhoden in February 1902 named the Ziegenzuchtgenossenschaft Appenzell. Another association was formed in Ausserrhoden in 1914 named the Ziegenzuchtgenossenschaft Urnäsch.
This breed was severely impacted by the CAE (Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis) virus in the past. However, presently, it is essentially free from it. The Schweizerischer Ziegenzuchtverband, the Swiss federation of cantonal goat breeders’ associations, runs a conservation and recovery project for the Appenzell goat which includes financial support for breeders and a controlled breeding programme.
In 2007 conservation status of the breed was listed by the FAO as "endangered-maintained". In 2005, the Appenzell breed represented about 4.2% of the total registered Swiss goat population of about 70,000 head. At the end of 2013 a population of 1900–2000 was reported to DAD-IS.
What Are The Characteristics Of Appenzell Goat Breed?
Appenzell goats are medium sized animal. The height at the withers varies between 75 and 85 centimeters, and between 70 and 80 centimeters in the females. This goat breed has pure white coat with hair at mid length. The hair is particularly long over the back and hindquarters. Both the female and male goats may have beards. It has a strong, harmoniously-built body with powerful, well-positioned limbs. Bucks and does are usually hornless. These goats have similarities with the Saanen goat, but their body is somewhat broader than that of Saanen goat and therefore somewhat smaller. On several occasions, the Appenzell goat breeders have declared that their animals are not related to the Saanen goats. The Appenzell goats are extremely hardy and robust animals.They are excellent foragers and will scale the most intricate trees to get to the juicy leaves that have attracted their attention.
The does are excellent milk producers and can produce milk for up to 10 years of her lifespan. The does on average produce about 700-800 kg of milk per lactation. Their lactation period is about 270 days. Milk of these goats contain about 2.9 percent fat content, and about 2.7 percent protein. Milk-production depends on how much these goats would be taken care of.
What is the weight of Appenzell Goat?
Average body weight of the bucks is about 65 kg, and the does weight about 45 kg.

Written by
Marina Uskova
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