Barbari Goat
What Is The History Of Barbari Goat Breed?
Barbari goat is a meat goat breed mostly found in the north-western arid and semi-arid regions of India. It is one of the 23 registered goat breeds in India and is found in Agra, Etah, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, and Bharatpur district of Rajasthan. As well as in Jhelum and Sargodha districts in Punjab Province, Pakistan.
The Barbari goat, basically, originated in the East African country of Somalia. However, the route of their migration to India is yet not confirmed. The experts have inferred that there is a high probability that these animals have reached the country with the traders during the medieval period through the land and sea routes. Agra, Etah, and Etawah are the breeding tract of Barbari goat in India. Today the breed is well adapted for Indian conditions and gaining popularity as meat goats.
What Are The Characteristics Of Barbari Goat Breed?
Barbari goat has unique characteristics. It’s a pretty small animal with a medium-sized compact body. They are alert and attractive. The head is small and neat. They have bulging eyes, because of their quite prominent orbital bone. Their ears are short, tubular, almost double, with the slit opening in front, erect, directed upward and outward. Bucks have a large thick beard. Barbari does have well-set udder with conical teats. Both bucks and does have twisted horns, which are directed upward and backward and are medium in length. The coat of this breed comes in different shades, but the ones that are most common are white with brown spots, or white with black spots. In addition, the white color is varied, it is available in milk-white and cream.
It is a breed that adapts easily to any type of climate, it can be from cold climates to warm climates. Barbari goats are well known for their good meat qualities and also for triple kidding. Barbari goats are resistant to common goat diseases. These goats are extremely productive and characterized by early maturity and frequency in triple kidding. The chance of single kids in a litter is 25%, for twins – 65%, and for triplets – 10%. The infant mortality rate in this breed is very low compared to other breeds. This breed is suitable to reproduce at an early age, between 18 and 20 months they are ready to procreate. And the period between birth and the new procreation is around 10 months. On average, a standard adult can yield meat of 14.517 kg. When they are 6 months of age, they can yield 7.800 kg, while at age 9 months it is 12.566 kg.
The quality of milk of the barbari goat is not too high. The daily milk yield average is about 750 ml to 1000 ml. The average lactation maybe 130-200 liters of milk in a lactation length of 150 days. The milk is very tasty and with a fat rate of around 5%.
What Is The Weight Of Barbari Goat?
On average, adult Barbari bucks weight about 38-40 kg and does about 22-24 kg.

Written by
Marina Uskova
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