Oberhasli Goat
What Is The History Of Oberhasli Goat?
The Oberhasli goat is a domestic breed of goat developed in the mountains of Switzerland. It is also known as Oberhasli Brienzer or Swiss Alpine and mainly used for milk production. There is a miniature version of this goat breed, which is called Oberian or Mini Oberhasli goat.
Oberhasli goats were first imported to the United States in the early 1900s. But those goats were not bred pure and the bloodlines were lost. And purebred herds were not established and maintained until 1936. Five Chamois Colored goats were imported from Switzerland to the United States in 1936. All purebred Oberhasli goats in the United States descend from those goats. The breed was initially called the Swiss Alpine and interbred with the Alpine goats of other types. Its registrations were included in the Alpine studbook, and its genetics contributed to the Alpine breed. An association of breeders, the Oberhasli Breeders of America, was formed in about 1977. In 1978 or 1979 the Oberhasli was accepted as a breed by the American Dairy Goat Association. This evolution of the breed’s name and identification has been one reason that its population in the United States has remained fairly small.
In 2010 a total of 1729 head, distributed over approximately 30 states, was reported to DAD-IS, based on data from one (unspecified) breed registry only.
What Are The Characteristics Of Oberhasli Goat?
The breed’s color pattern is called chamoisee. Goats are brown, with hues between light tan and deep reddish-brown. The color of the does may also be solid black, but not the bucks. A few white hairs through the coat and about the ears are permitted. But the bucks usually have more white hairs on their coat than the does. There are many black markings on their entire body. Two black stripes from the eyes to the black muzzle give a distinctive facial appearance. The forehead is nearly all black, and black stripes run from the base of each ear to a point just behind the poll and continue along the neck and back to the tail as a dorsal stripe. The Oberhasli has a black belly and light gray to the black udder. The legs are black below the knees and hocks and the ears are black on the inside. Usually, the bucks have more black on their head than the head of does.
This breed is medium in size. Oberhasli should be 71 cm and above at the withers and Oberhasli bucks about 76 cm. The Oberhasli face is straight or dished with no evidence of a Roman nose.
Oberhasli goat is very gentle in nature and is of very friendly behavior. It is a very active and alert animal. The breed can also be good for raising pets. Oberhasli goats are among the best dairy goat breeds. On average, an Oberhasli doe can produce up to 2000 liters of milk per lactation. Oberhasli produces sweet-tasting milk with a butterfat content of around 3.5 to 4 percent.
While the does are a dependable source of milk, bucks, and wethers are also useful as pack animals because of their strength and calm demeanor. Some goat packers prefer Oberhaslis because they are said to be less fearful of water and other trail obstacles than are other breeds.
What Is The Weight Of Oberhasli Goat?
Bucks on average weight about 68 kg and the does weight about 54 kg.
1. https://www.roysfarm.com
2. hobbyfarms.com
3. https://livestockconservancy.org
4. https://en.wikipedia.org

Written by
Marina Uskova
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