The Fell View Flock

The flock is owned by 9year old Clayton Roper. Clayton got into Dorsets from getting a pet tip lamb from a local breeder and friend that led to the purchase of some purebred ewes from breed society sales in Carlisle and Stirling auction that became the foundation and establishment of the Fell View Flock.

All the stocks are full pedigree and grassroots registered. 

The poll Dorset are an underestimated sheep with the ability of lambing out of season and throughout the year and producing 3 crops in 2 years, they produce a fast growing good carcase lamb either pure or crossed. 

Clayton enjoys attending local shows with his sheep and has had some good success over the last few years. The ewes are currently running with the tup and will lamb in January with potentially some stock for sale later in the year. 

The Fell View Flock is located in Whitehaven, Cumbria.

Thomas William Roper 07784786800

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