Trinity Manor Farm
Trinity Manor Farm is one of Jersey’s most beautiful and prestigious dairy farms. Home to over 650 award-winning pedigree Jersey cows and state-of-the-art facilities, we provide the highest quality milk for Jersey Dairy’s local and international markets.
A family-owned farm, we prioritise the best possible living and working environment for our herd, staff and trainees by continued investment in equipment, infrastructure and welfare.
We are a member of LEAF (Linking Environment and Farming) and we are proud to farm with care for the future of our environment, wildlife, countryside, food and animals.
The family-owned farm comprises 170 acres of private estate in the heart of the parish of Trinity, Jersey. It’s home to over 650 award-winning, pedigree Jersey milking cows producing over 2.75 million litres of high-grade quality milk annually.
We are proud to be leading the way in Jersey’s dairy farming community. A multi-million pound investment in the farm’s infrastructure and facilities aimed at enhancing the herd’s welfare and environment was completed in September 2019, with further investment continuing annually.
This included massive investment in new buildings, including a new 28,900 sq ft cattle shed to house the herd and a 6,000 sq ft food and multi-purpose store. A new state-of-the-art milking parlour with 40 feeding and milking stations that calculate exactly how much food is required whilst assessing the health of each cow has also been installed, together with two new slurry tanks holding 360,000 gallons each and a new 12,000 litre milk tank to cool and store our milk.
We’ve also invested in an impressive 15,100 sq ft feeding clamp, which stores food for the cows that has been harvested from our fields for the winter.
Our priority with this investment is to ensure our cows have a happy and healthy living environment. This includes layered mattresses for them to sleep on rather than concrete floors, back scratchers and massage facilities, easy to reach feeding stations with just the right amount of feed for them, sheds that circulate air to keep them cool, two-tone lighting in the milking parlour, and much more.
Our 400 pedigree purebred Jersey cows are milked twice a day yielding more than 2.75 million litres annually for Jersey Dairy, which we expect to increase to over 3 million litres.
We’ve invested heavily in the well-being of our herd and they have an extensive grazing pattern as our land circles numerous farm buildings. Our cows also enjoy massages and the occasional back scratch before resting on their layered mattresses and taking in the cool breeze that runs through their new sheds.
A career on a dairy farm is hard work, but incredibly rewarding. As Jersey’s premier dairy farm, we provide the very best facilities for our staff and trainees, with a multi-million pound investment in state-of-the-art equipment and infrastructure focusing on herd and staff welfare and well-being.
We are developing a number of training programmes with leading UK colleges and offer work placements and job opportunities for people with a passion for farming and animals.
Trinity Manor Farm Office
Trinity Manor, Trinity, Jersey,
JE3 5JP, Channel Isles
01534 867863
Breeder Info

- [email protected]
- Trinity, JERSEY - GB
- Jersey
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