North Ronaldsay Sheep
The Northern Ronaldsay sheep are descendants of the primitive European short-tailed sheep breed. As the noble parent's name suggests, they naturally have short tails....
Norfolk Horn Sheep
The Norfolk Horn developed to do well in dry, cold conditions and on very sparse vegetation. It can thrive where other breeds would lose condition....
Nguni Sheep
The Nguni is a small to medium framed, multi- coloured fat-tailed sheep. Generally, this breed has a black, brown or reddish brown coat that is sometimes pied....
Navajo-Churro Sheep
Navajo-Churro rams may have two, four, six or more horns. This is because they have the polykerate gene, which is also found in older heritage breeds such as the Jacob Sheep....
Morada Nova Sheep
Morada Nova Sheep has a deep rib cage, flat ribs, not very developed abdomen, muscular hips and thin rump....
Montadale Sheep
Mature Montadale sheep weigh 65-85 kg and rams 100-125 kg....
Merino Sheep
Poll Merinos have no horns (or very small stubs, known as scurs), and horned Merino rams have long, spiral horns which grow close to the head....
Meatmaster Sheep
Meatmasters are fat-tailed hair sheep come in a diverse array of colors, and may be either horned or polled. The focus in breeding is mostly on meat production, but they are also very hardy and with good mothering instincts. ...
Massese Sheep
Massese is not a seasonal breeder, stays estrus throughout the year, normally lambs three times every two years....
Masham Sheep
Masham sheep, especially as a pig, are bred to produce quality lambs, whose long-staple fleece is an added bonus....
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