Racka Sheep
The Racka is a relatively shy and very resistant breed, that can have a reasonably production under harsh climatological conditions....

Priangan Sheep
Priangan breed is larger than the local sheep and the hairy throat ruff and the slight fat at the base of the tail could well have come from the Africander....

Portland Sheep
The Portland breed produces exceptionally high quality meat with fine texture and excellent flavour....

Polypay Sheep
Polypay sheep are generally of even temperament and are exceptionally easy to manage....

Polwarth Sheep
Polwarth sheep were developed with white wool; however, natural black, brown, grey wool flocks have expanded the popularity of Polwarth wool for craft....

Pinzirita Sheep
Pinzirita Ramhead gives about 2.5 kg of wool, sheep about 1.6 kg; Ordinary quality, suitable for wool, rugs and mattresses....

Pelibuey Sheep
The Pelibüey is probably closely related to the West African, Red African, African or Africana breed of Columbia and Venezuela. It is descended from the West African Dwarf and is found in Cuba, coastal areas of Mexico and other locales in the Caribbean....

Pedi Sheep
Pedi an easy sheep to farm with and produces a good quality meat as well as a distinctive hair white, brown, and red....

Panama Sheep
Panama is a large smooth open-faced sheep well adapted to the purpose for which it was developed. The Panama breed as it is known today possesses a thick, heavy wool fleece that is of medium-grade and tends to be long in length. ...

Oxford Sheep
Oxford Rams of the breed are very useful in crossing on small ewes to increase the weight and size of lambs marketed and to increase the wool production of the offspring that are retained in the flock as replacements....
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