Ringworm In Cattle
Ringworm In Cattle

Ringworm is one of the commonest skin diseases in such cattle. Ringworm is a transmissible infectious skin disease caused most often by Trichophyton verrucosum, a spore forming fungi. The spores can remain alive for years in a dry environment....


Rabies is a deadly viral infection affecting all mammals, including humans. Rabies is spread in the saliva of a rabid animal, typically through bite wounds....


The precise definition of pyelonephritis is inflammation of the kidney. Normally secondary to infection. In cattle, pyelonephritis is a common condition, although sporadic in occurrence, which is almost entirely confined to mature cattle, particularly cow...

Pseudocowpox ( Milker’s Nodule )
Pseudocowpox ( Milker’s Nodule )

Pseudocowpox ( milker’s nodule ) is a virus that causes small raised sores and scabs on the teats and udders of cattle. The virus is spread from cow to cow by milkers and milking equipment, and causes small raised sores that later scab....

Twin Lamb Disease
Twin Lamb Disease

Twin Lamb Disease, during late pregnancy, the ewe has a very high energy requirement to provide for her own needs and the growth of the lamb or lambs she is carrying....

 Pregnancy Toxemia (Ketosis)
Pregnancy Toxemia (Ketosis)

Pregnancy disease is the most common metabolic disease of sheep and goats. It affects improperly fed ewes in late pregnancy. Often it is observed in overly fat ewes and ewes in poor condition....

Polioencephalomalacia (Pem Or Star Gazing Disease)
Polioencephalomalacia (Pem Or Star Gazing Disease)

Polioencephalomalacia (Pem Or Star Gazing Disease, the first signs are listlessness and a loss of appetite, affected sheep will separate from the rest of the mob, appear blind and either wander aimlessly or stand still....


Pneumonia is caused by the complex combination of an infectious agent, compromised sheep immunity (weaners are most susceptible) and environmental conditions, especially hot, dry, dusty conditions. Affected sheep may develop a cough, nasal discharge and m...


Pinkeye antibiotic sprays and powders are readily available but a single use is generally ineffective....

Pasture Bloat
Pasture Bloat

Pasture Bloat, This condition results from over distension of the rumen by the normal gases of fermentation, which become trapped in the rumen contents and form a stable proteinaceous foam....

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