Pasteurellosis affects all ages of sheep and causes significant losses to the sheep industry. Disease is often very acute, with animals found dead. Pasteurellosis is often triggered by stress, which may be increased by: Management activities (dipping, c...

Parasitic Gastroenteritis (Gut Worms)
Once parasitic gastroenteritis (gut worms) infection builds up, cattle become progressively ill-thriven, which has serious economic and welfare implications....

Orf (Contagious Pustular Dermatitis)
Orf is a highly contagious skin condition, which affects mainly young animals in their first year of life. Orf causes production losses due to periods of poor growth in lambs and increased risk of secondary infections....

Mineral Deficiencies
Minerals are required in a sheep’s diet in different quantities. Trace elements are needed in very small quantities but are essential for the maintenance of health. Others, such as calcium and phosphorus, are required in larger quantities....

Mange is the term used to describe infection by mites, microscopic relatives of spiders. They inhabit and damage the skin of domestic animals and man. Problems are most frequently seen in the autumn and winter but can occur all year round....

Lice In Cattle
Lice irritate cattle, causing the cattle to bite, scratch and rub. This constant irritation can become a welfare issue. ...

A disease of ruminants which is the result of a failure to metabolise carbohydrate and volatile fatty acids, and characterised by high blood ketone and low blood glucose levels, mainly in high producing dairy cattle in the first two months of lactation....

Foot Rot
Foot rot; the earliest sign is a swelling and moistening of the skin of the interdigital cleft particularly in the region of the heel. This is soon followed by a break in the skin-horn junction and then a separation of the adjacent soft horn....

Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD)
Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is a severe, highly contagious viral disease of cattle and swine. It also affects sheep, goats, deer, and other cloven-hooved ruminants. The virus can persist in contaminated fodder and the environment for up to one month...

Foot Abscess
Foot abscesses often develop when the soil and pastures are wet or frozen. The disease causes an acute lameness that is usually restricted to one foot, which the sheep will not place on the ground....
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