Bergamasca Sheep
What is the history of Bergamasca Sheep?
The Bergamasca is a breed of domestic sheep from the mountainous part of the province of Bergamo, in Lombardy in northern Italy.
It originates from the area of the Val Brembana and the Val Seriana valleys, and is particularly associated with the plateau of Clusone. it is raised in most parts of mainland Italy, particularly the province of Teramo in Abruzzo, where more than 80% of the registered stock are kept.
The Bergamasca sheep is also present in Brazil, Serbia and Venezuela. It is raised principally for meat, and is often used for cross-breeding with other meat breeds to improve meat yield.
What are the characteristics of Bergamasca Sheep?
Skin color pinkish, wool color is white. Coarse wooled meat breed which is polled and belongs to the Lop-earned Alpine group.
What is the weight of mature Bergamasca Sheep?
Bergamasca ram weighs around 110 kg and Bergamasca ewes weigh around 85 kg.Written by
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