German Whiteheaded Mutton Sheep
What is the history of German White Headed Sheep Sheep?
This breed was developed on the North Sea coast in the middle of the last century. The English Leicester, Cotswold, Hampshire, and Oxfordshire were imported and hybridized with the local Wilstermarschschaf, the northern German marsh sheep.The breeders managed to maintain the desired qualities of the marsh sheep such as high fertility, rapid development and large size. In the 1930s, a new species, Deutsches Weißköpfiges Fleischschaf, began wandering in grassy fields near the North Sea. The breed was further developed by crossing with other varieties, notably the Dutch Texel beginning in 1966 and the French Berrichon du Cher in the 1970s.
It is a dual-use breed used for both fine wool and meat production. German White Headed Sheep has also been used for its genetics.
In the 1980s, a population was exported from Denmark to New Zealand to improve the genetics of local sheep herds. The German Whiteheaded Mutton also formed the basis for the development of the British Oldenburg breed.
There is an estimated world population of German Whiteheaded Mutton Sheep roughly 18- rams and 1,700 ewes remaining. Also Known by Weißköpfiges Fleischschaf, Oldenburg White Head, Whiteheaded German, Whiteheaded Marsh, Whiteheaded Oldenburg.
What are the characteristics of German Whiteheaded Mutton Sheep?
- The Whiteheaded Mutton is a breed designed to live in the cold, wet regions around the North Sea marshes.
- Consequently, the sheep was bred for hardiness and durability to cope with the rough weather in the region.
- Both sexes polled.
- The German Whiteheaded Mutton is a dual-use sheep and is used for both the production of wool and meat.
- The Whiteheaded Mutton possesses very meaty hindquarters and thick loin and rack meats, making it good for meat production as well.
- Another important characteristic of the Whiteheaded Mutton is its high fecundity.
- Whiteheaded Mutton typically breeds at a rate of 1.5-1.8 lambs per sheep per year.
- Whiteheaded Mutton has a very long white wool, also known as Eider wool, coarse fleece.
- Average weight of fleece for rams is approximately 7.4 kg and 5.5 kg for sheep.
- Fiber diameter of 37-41 microns.
What is the weight of Mature German White Headed Sheep Sheep?
German White Headed Sheep rams typically weigh around 110-130 kg and sheep normally weigh around 70-80 kg.

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