Sakiz Sheep
Sakiz Sheep

Sakiz Rams have long spiral horns; ewes are usually polled. The wool is fine. The breed is the tallest among local sheep breeds. The body is relatively narrow....

Ryeland Sheep
Ryeland Sheep

Ryeland sheep and Coloured Ryeland sheep do well on a diet of good grass, without the need for additional feed. This means they are particularly suitable for organic lamb production....

Roussin Sheep
Roussin Sheep

Pure Roussin sheep are milky, prolific animals that produce a good lengthy carcase lamb. These qualities are also passed to cross bred females making the Roussin an excellent choice for either pedigree or commercial breeding....

Rough Fell Sheep
Rough Fell Sheep

The Rough Fell sheep is ideally suited to endure the hardship of exposed and high lying places, but will settle placidly in a lowland farm or smallholding....

Rouge De L'ouest Sheep
Rouge De L'ouest Sheep

The Rouge de l'Ouest is of the same origin as the Bleu du Maine but with a distinctive pink face and legs. The head is reddish pink in colour, bare of wool but may have a covering of fine brown or whitish hair....

Romney Sheep
Romney Sheep

The Romney is truly a versatile breed, as demonstrated by its ability to produce quality meat and wool under diverse climate conditions and management systems....

Romanov Sheep
Romanov Sheep

The Romanov breed is characterized by an extremely long season of sexual activity. In most instances, the ewes have no anoestrous period at all....

Rideau Arcott Sheep
Rideau Arcott Sheep

Rideau Arcott breed is naturally very fertile, reaching sexual maturity before 7 months of age. Rideau genetics are ideal for inclusion in crossbred ewes because of their strong maternal traits. They have been crossed successfully with most popular breeds...

Red Karaman Sheep
Red Karaman Sheep

Red Karaman Sheep reach sexual maturity at 18 months old. ...

Rambouillet Sheep
Rambouillet Sheep

Rambouillet sheep are large sized animals. Both Rambouillet rams and Rambouillet ewes are horned, but the rams have large curved horns....

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