Anatolian Black Cattle
Anatolian Black Cattle

Anatolian Black is Turkey's most popular breed. It is hardy, disease resistant and tolerant of poor care, meager diet and adverse climate conditions. They are mainly used for milk and meat production....

Agerolese Cattle
Agerolese Cattle

The Agerolese Cattle, raised for milk production and native to the Agerola region of Campania in Italy. Today only few hundreds heads of Agerolese cattle are bred in the Agerola. Meat and milk production are of high quality...

Afrikaner Cattle
Afrikaner Cattle

Afrikaner cattle, were developed from the native Khoi-Khoi cattle of the Cape of Good Hope which are thought to have arisen from the longhorned Zebu and the Egyptian longhorn and is a native South African Cattle breed....

Abondance Cattle
Abondance Cattle

Abondance breed developed in the Chablais in the Val d'Abondance, considered the birthplace of the breed. ...

Angeln Cattle
Angeln Cattle

Angeln is a breed of cattle originally from Angeln in Schleswig-Holstein one of the 16 states of Germany. Anglen is dairy cow is well known for the high milkfat level of it’s milk....

Angus Cattle
Angus Cattle

Angus cattle are naturally polled and can be black or red in colour although black is the dominant colour, white may occasionally appear on the udder....

Αγελάδες Τζέρσεϋ
Αγελάδες Τζέρσεϋ

H φυλή Τζέρσεϋ (Jersey) είναι βρετανική φυλή μικρών γαλακτοπαραγωγών βοοειδών από το Jersey, στα βρετανικά νησιά της Μάγχης....

Αγελάδες Λιμουζίν
Αγελάδες Λιμουζίν

Ο σχηματισμός βοοειδών φυλών αγελάδων Λιμουζίν άρχισε στα μέσα του 18ου αιώνα, στη Γαλλία. Οι εργασίες αναπαραγωγής πραγματοποιήθηκαν με την αρχαία αγελάδα βοοειδών Aquitaine και μερικά δείγματα ζώων μεγάλου μεγέθους....

Венгерская серая порода крс
Венгерская серая порода крс

Венгерская серая порода (венг. Magyar szürkemarha) — аборигенная порода крупного рогатого скота мясного направления Венгрии....

Нормандская порода крс
Нормандская порода крс

Нормандская порода является французской молочно-мясной породой КРС. Порода выведена в 18-м веке на севере Франции в Нормандии....

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