Icelandic Goat
The breed has a long history and believed to be of Norwegian origin, and dating back to the settlement of Iceland over 1100 years ago....

Peacock Goat
They are very comfortable in mountain pastures and are weather-resistant. They can survive on low quality forages, and don’t require large amount of high quality food to stay healthy....

Oberhasli Goat
The breed can also be good for raising as pets. Oberhasli goats are among the best dairy goat breeds....

Nigora Goat
The Nigora goat is a dual-purpose breed of domestic goats, raised for its fiber and milk production....

Pygmy Goat (Cameroon Dwarf Goat)
Known for their small size and outgoing personalities, pygmy goats are now kept as pets in many places. ...

Malabari Goat
This breed is considered as a unique genotype exhibiting higher multiple birth percentages and higher milk yields. They are bred mostly for meat, but also produce milk....

Saanen Goat
This breed is a consistent high-volume and high-quality milk producer. The Saanen goat is the largest of the dairy goat breeds....

San Clemente Island Goat
San Clemente Island goats are a critically endangered breed. San Clemente Island goats are relatively small, though slightly larger than dwarf breeds. They are fine-boned, and deer-like....

Tauernsheck Goat
The Tauernsheck is a very uniquely marked breed and one of the world’s rarest breeds. The Tauernsheck goat is a dairy goat breed. ...

Stiefelgeiss Goat
The Booted Goat is a robust, vivacious, easily satisfied breed. Stiefelgeiss goats are well suited for extensive keeping under extreme topographical and climatic conditions, most of all in the mountainous regions. ...
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