Canadian Arcott Sheep
Canadian Arcott Sheep

Canadian Arcott Sheep are hornless, occasional scurs acceptable, legs set squarely, heavy boned, free from wool, covered with white or mottled hair....

California Red Sheep
California Red Sheep

California Red Lambs are born solid rust or cinnamon red. As it matures, the color of the hair remaining on the legs and head can range from golden to dark cinnamon....

Border Leicester Sheep
Border Leicester Sheep

Border Leicester rams are used for mating with Merino ewes to breed the first-cross mothers that are so valuable for the production of prime lambs. ...

Booroola Sheep
Booroola Sheep

Booroola Lamb birthweight varies with the number of lambs born in the litter, from 3.9-4.8 kg for single lambs to 1.9-2.6 kg for quadruplets (2.9-3.7 kg and 2.2-3.1 kg for twins and triplets). ...

 Bluefaced Leicester Sheep
Bluefaced Leicester Sheep

Bluefaced Leicester rams can weigh up to 110 kg and Bluefaced Leicester ewes up to 89 kg. At maturity and at the withers, rams are 90 cm tall and ewes 85 cm tall....

Bleu du Maine Sheep
Bleu du Maine Sheep

The Bleu du Maine is a large, prolific sheep, the most distinguishing feature of the breed is that both breeds are polled, bald, with a blue gray head, a very alert eye (giving a sharp look), and fairly thick skin....

Bighorn Sheep
Bighorn Sheep

Bighorn sheep are perhaps best known for head-on combat among males. Horn size is a symbol of rank, and the mass of the horns (up to 14 kg) is used to a man's best advantage when hitting his opponent at 20 miles per hour...

Beulah Speckled Face Sheep
Beulah Speckled Face Sheep

The Beulah Speckled Face is a breed of domestic sheep originating in the United Kingdom. Having been bred in the uplands of Wales for more than a hundred years, a breed society was officially formed in 1958. ...

Berrichon du Cher Sheep
Berrichon du Cher Sheep

The berrichon du Cher is a French sheep breed from Berry . It is a very old race, crossed with Merino around 18th century...

Bergamasca Sheep
Bergamasca Sheep

The Bergamasca is a breed of domestic sheep from the mountainous part of the province of Bergamo, in Lombardy in northern Italy....

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