English Longhorn Cattle
English Longhorn cattle (also formerly known as Lancashire cattle) are a long-horned brown and white breed of beef cattle originating from Craven, in the north of England. ...

Beefmaster Cattle
Beefmaster cattle are the first American composite breed (combination of three or more breeds). These cattle have been developed by the Lasater Ranch then headquartered in Texas....

Belgian Blue Cattle
Belgian Blue cattle, which are also known as Race de la Moyenne et Haute Belgique, Belgian Blue-White, Belgian White and Blue Pied, Belgian White Blue, Blue, Blue Belgian originated in central and upper Belgium....

Beefalo Cattle
Beefalo is a species cross between Bison (buffalo) and domestic cattle of any breed. The purpose of the species cross was to blend the outstanding qualities of the Bison with outstanding qualities of the bovine breeds of the world....

Andalusian Black Cattle
The Andalusian Black cattle are medium sized animals. As the name suggests, main coloration of these animals are black....

Amerifax Cattle
The name “Amerifax” is derived from the American Friesian-Angus cross. They are a mixture of 5/8 Angus and 3/8 Beef Friesian. Beef Friesians, known for their strength in production, were brought from Ireland to the United States in 1971....

American White Park Cattle
The American White Park is a large white breed with black or red points (ears, nose and eyes). Cows average 1000 pounds and bulls between 1700-1800 pounds. The cattle are predominately polled with 3 to 5% horned. They are docile and the cows milk well....

Kuzularda Kolibasilloz Hastalığı
E.Coli bakterilerinin zehirli tiplerinin sebep olduğu yüksek bulaşma ve yüksek ölüm oranlarıyla tüm dünyada ve ülkemizde görülen ciddi bir hastalıktır. Doğumdan hemen sonra görülür. 2-8 haftalıklarda görülme ihtimali erken günlerdeki kuzulara göre daha f...

Ektima Hastalığı
Ektima keçiler ve genç koyunlarda görülen, virüslerin sebep olduğu bulaşıcı bir deri hastalığıdır. Çiçek hastalığına benzer. Derinin kılsız bölgelerinde dudaklarda, göz çevresinde, kulaklarda, üreme organlarında, erişkin koyunlarda memede ve tırnak aralar...

Tırıs Hastalığı (Scrapie)
Tırıs Hastalığı, koyun ve keçilerde merkezi sinir sisteminde beyin hasarına neden olan, hayvanlarda kaşıntı belirtisi gösteren bulaşıcı bir hastalıktır....

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